Monday, July 26, 2010

Awesome Business Cards!!!

So I am a total print nerd and love seeing unique and creative business cards. Here are some of my favorites:


A Different Type of Business Card

Just Plain Great Design 

Friday, July 23, 2010

Funny Video

I just thought this was a pretty funny video: Fan on Baseball Field. And since Facebook is blocked right now for some reason, I decided to post it here...enjoy :)

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Traveling Assistant!

So my sister works for TangoDiva, and she found this really awesome tool to help with planning traveling locations. It's called Trip Base... you should definitely check it out!!

The American Corporate Life

So, I just reread all my sister's posts from her blog: From Madrid with Love (click to read) where she spent about 6 months in Spain, and it made me 1) want to write more; and 2) REALLY, REALLY miss traveling. I just can't get this "bug" out. I love the U.S. and especially California, but I feel so confined in this 9-5, Monday through Friday, corporate life. It's just stifling. No one is truly happy, and everyone one seems bound to this lifestyle. No one is willing to change, take risks, try something new, or step out of the box they have been forced into. It's so depressing. And any change you try to make for the better of the company is met with so much resistance, you end up asking yourself, "Is this even worth it? If they don't care, why should I?" Even now, myself included, all people do is push to make it to the weekend, where they get MAYBE two days of freedom (that is a big maybe, cause this is also the only time you can really do errands, and everything else you can't do during the week), and then back to the grind.

It is so frustrating!! I look at companies like Google and Facebook, where their corporate structure is so vastly different from all others, that it ends up making them MORE money in the long run. Happy employees = better everything (customer service, production, sales, etc.). Just the other day my coworker and I were talking about how we feel like its climbing a uphill battle just to get anything changed, when I spotted this article: Ten Signs of a Fear-Based Workplace. Sadly enough I could agree w/ more than a few of them. What the hell has this world/life come to...really though.

Well this was supposed to be an uplifting post about traveling, but it ended up a rant about I changed the title to reflect this.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

iPhone 4

I thought it was an interesting and insightful article. If you love Apple, and all their products, this may be a good description of how you would feel to have the new iPhone 4. I can't wait to get one! 

Mac vs PC - Best Ever!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Wooaahh - Pantone's New Color System!

Wow! On May 10, 2010, Pantone rolled out their new color matching system branded as PMS Plus. PMS Plus offers clients 566 new colors. This new system will be replacing the current PMS system. Crazy!!!

Smart Ideas

So even though my room is no where near as clean as it should be...I am obsessed with "organizing solutions." Here are some fun ideas:

World Cup Final -- Congrats España!!

World Cup Final was this weekend! SWEEEEEEEET time. A group of friends and I went to DeVere's to watch the game and had a great time! Lots of new friends, food, drinks, and fun! My opinion of "Man of the Match": Iker Casillas

Can you say "Hello!!!"

The rest of the team isnt too bad either ;)

Friday, July 9, 2010


So after visiting a friend in Washington, the need to travel and have a crazy adventure is back. It's like a virus that will not go away! Doing this whole 9-5 thing is killing me, and I don't have the patience to wait for weekend trips only! Ahhhhhhhhhh...I need an adventure....

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Random: Armchairs

My typical style of design for armchairs...I like them...they can make a room...